Monday, September 30, 2019


Is Imagination More Important Than Knowledge? The French philosopher Simons Well wrote, â€Å"Imagination and fiction make up more than three quarters of our real life. † The more you think about this quote, the more you realize it is rather accurate. We are surrounded by the creative imaginations of millions of people. They intrude into our everyday lives, from the books we read, to the television we watch, to the design of the last building you saw. These manifestations of imagination have become a part of not just our lives, but of our culture.This begs the question, how much of our lives and what we know of our lives depends on this capacity to imagine? According to Albert Einstein, â€Å"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. † I however, disagree with Mr.. Einstein. There Is an Intrinsic relationship bet ween Imagination and knowledge, both relying upon the other's existence to develop new Ideas. Once Imagination and knowledge have been defined, their Interrelation can be more easily understood.Without Imagination, humans would lack the ability to derive new ideas, but without prior knowledge, they would not know how to go about putting the new ideas into action. Every idea that imagination cogitates is based upon knowledge of another idea. The Romans, for example, borrowed the idea for their aqueducts from other ancient civilizations and improved upon it. The dependency between knowledge and imagination in determining new ideas is so complex, that neither can be deemed of greater importance than the other.To better comprehend the complex relationship between Imagination and knowledge, one must first understand what they entail Individually. The Oxford Dictionary defines Imagination as â€Å"the faculty or action of forming new Ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not p resent to the senses†. Imagination is the capability to conceive something new, but not entirely without precedent. Without this capability, humans would not have the mental capacity to derive anything new and thus would not be able to improve. Humanity without imagination could no longer be considered humanity, as we would essentially descend to the level of animals.Knowledge is described by the Oxford Dictionary as â€Å"1 . Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. 2. Awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. † Note that both definitions expressly state the requirement of experience as a prior necessity. This suggests that you can't make something out of nothing, there has to be a platform on which to begin and off of which to expand. Existence. To begin, humans need imagination to acquire new knowledge.Without imagination in this respect, humans wouldn 't have the understanding that there is in fact more knowledge to be acquired. Even if this were not so, imagination would still be required to develop a method of obtaining the new knowledge. Imagination is also essential in the acceptance of new ideas. Humans need the capacity to imagine the possibility of something other than what they know exists, in order to accept the new knowledge. Now to consider the opposite side of the relationship: imagination's dependency on knowledge. New ideas, the products of imagination, are improvements of existing ideas, or previous knowledge.Inventors use their imagination to address a problem that they have happened upon in an attempt to resolve the issue. An article from The New Yorker by Malcolm Caldwell suggests that all inverters are actually attackers. â€Å"The tweaked inherits things as they are, and has to push and pull them toward some more nearly perfect solution. † All new ideas are therefore based on a pre-existent notion. Know ledge of that notion and it's flaws as well as how to improve upon it's flaws are necessary to come up with a new idea that is in theory, better than the revises one.A relatively well-known example of attackers in human history is the Romans. The Romans borrowed most of the ideas that most people now give them credit for from other ancient civilizations, notably the Greeks, Egyptians, Assyrian and Babylonians. One such improved upon invention that we use to this day would be plumbing. Roman aqueducts are renowned for their efficiency and ingeniousness, yet they were first used in Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. The Romans simply took an idea they coveted and improved upon it, using it to combat drought and water their crops.The Roman's improvements eventually led to our version of plumbing, something indispensable in modern homes. The complexity of the interactions between imagination and knowledge are better understood after they have both been defined. Imagination is the capability to conceive a notion based upon pre-existent knowledge, whereas knowledge is obtained by imagination being allowed to improve upon existing ideas. The Romans frequently improved upon pre-existing ideas borrowed from other civilizations, the results of which we still use today.Imagination and Knowledge are like two parts to a ricer, but you can't tell which part of the circle is which. They are interdependent, each relying upon the other's existence to aide our society in thriving.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Business Law. Specific Performance Essay

Business Law: Unit 6 Assignment 1 Specific Performance In the realm of contract law there are many ways of addressing breach of contract. The purpose of this paper is to analyze four separate scenarios and decide if the remedy of specific performance would be applicable to any of them. Specific performance is, â€Å"An extraordinary equitable remedy that compels a party to execute a contract according to the precise terms agreed upon or to execute it substantially so that, under the circumstances, justice will be done between the parties.† (retrieved September 7, 2013, from Or, to put it succinctly, the court will order the contract to be fulfilled as written, with no damages awarded. Generally, however, two circumstances must apply before specific performance will be granted; monetary damages must be inadequate to the situation and the subject matter of the contract must be unique. (source, Fundamentals of Business Law: Summarized Cases, Miller and Jentz, 2010, c h 12, pg 246) Scenario A Tarrington contracts to sell her house and lot to Rainier. Then, on finding another buyer willing to pay a higher purchase price, she refuses to deed the property to Rainier. Land is always a unique subject. It has a specific location and properties that even a parcel directly adjacent might not have. And the house that sits on the land may differ substantially from those around it. For example, one parcel of land may be relatively flat and good for commercial development, but the property right next to it may be very hilly and rocky, making development more difficult. For these and other reasons a buyer simply cannot go out and find an exact replacement. In our scenario Tarrington has breached her contract with Ranier and Ranier can rightly ask a court to grant the remedy of specific performance and order Tarrington to fulfill the contract. That is unless she actually sold the land to the other buyer. In that case, Ranier would have to pursue damages as remedy. Scenario B Marita contracts to sing and dance in Horace’s nightclub for one month, beginning June 1. She then refuses to perform. This case is not one that meshes well with specific performance. This is simply because it deals with a contract for personal service. The text of the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States says, â€Å"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. (emphasis added)† (retrieved August 7, 2013, from Marita’s contract is for her to sing and dance and while her performance might be unique, it is a personal service and if a court were to force her to perform that would certainly be involuntary servitude. However, she is in breach and Horace would still be able to sue her for monetary damages. Scenario C Juan contracts to purchase a rare coin from Edmund, who is breaking up his coin collection. At the last minute, Edmund decides to keep his coin collection intact and refuses to deliver the coin to Juan. Rare coins are by definition unique. In fact their value is wholly derived upon their rarity. Also monetary damages would be completely inadequate – while coins, like art may have value as investments, collectors often pursue ownership of such items for aesthetic reasons and not just economic ones. While we are light on specifics in the scenario, as a general situation I believe specific performance is warranted here. There may be a situation where it would not be, I suppose. Perhaps if another coin was readily available and Edmund pointed that out to Juan, conflict could be avoided and then I doubt Juan would be able to make an argument for damages. Scenario D Astro Computer Corp. has three shareholders. Among them are Coase, who owns 48%, and Cary, who owns 4%. Cary contracts to sell his 4% to DeValle but later refuses to transfer the shares to him. Ordinarily I don’t believe that shares of stock would fall under the specific performance remedy. But in this case we’re dealing with a slightly different situation. The fact that there are only three shareholders means that Astro Computer Corp. is a closely held corporation. A closely held corporation is, â€Å"Any company that has only a limited number of shareholders. Closely held corporation stock is publicly traded on occasion, but not on a regular basis. (emphasis added)† (retrieved August 7, 2013, from This means that even though the stock is not as controlled as totally privately owned company would be, it’s shares are not traded on a daily basis like companies such as Apple or AT&T. So it follows, then, that Astro Computer stock is a unique item that simply can’t be replaced by simply going to the local stockbroker. Additionally, those shares of Cary’s would give Coase a controlling interest in the company and that makes them even more unique and renders a monetary solution inadequate. Therefore, I believe that Coase has a very good case for a specific performance remedy. In each of these scenarios we find subtlety of law, logic and, hopefully, justice. They also point out very good reasons to ponder well before entering into a contract, as you may find that regardless of what you eventually want, your signature on that contract could mean you must fulfill the terms even if you would be willing to pay money to get out of it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My hobby (listening music) Essay

What is music? Music is the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (sometimes both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. As a teenager, I listen to music everyday. I can name almost name every song that comes on the radio. Listening to music takes the stress away from my mind. I love listening to music. Listening to music is my new hobby. I cannot go a day without listening to music. Music comes in different genres. I listen to many genres. The genre I listen to the most is R&B. I listen to R&B because it relates to my life. R&B is one of the tops ten genres listened to. Music to me is like a reading teacher reading a book. Music is just that good. The R&B singers I listen to are Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, Monica, K Michelle, and Usher. I listening to more than that but I do not want to waste my time writing all of the names. I wake up listening to music. Music is my passion. While I am writing this, I am listening to music. I cannot help myself. Some people are addicted to drugs and alcohol but my addiction is music. Music has many different meaning to it. In order for me to understand a song, I have to listen to the song over and over again. If someone gave me a pop quiz on music, I would most likely pass the pop quiz. I am not the type that does not have a life. I have a life, but in the meantime I listen to music when I am bored. I might listen to a great amount of music but I do not know how to do have of the dances that go along with them. Again, music is my passion and addiction. One more thought, I cannot sing. I just love listening to music.

Friday, September 27, 2019

CIS Management Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CIS Management Information System - Essay Example rights, including intellectual property is often classified as criminal offence in statutory terms and is liable for persecution as it would negatively impact on the rightful owner of the property. Copyright laws are specifically designed to protect ownership of content and any form of reproduction of that content without prior permission from the owner is deemed illegal. In the outlined case above, this is the main problem which is of concern where piracy is reigning supreme as a result of the system used that makes it possible for musical files to be shared amongst individuals without the owners’ consent. The main cause of the problem is online file-sharing service that is available on the internet where individuals can download digitized music files from other users free of charge. For instance in the above case, Napster popularized this service where it provided software on its website that could be used to locate any music file on the computers of other online Napster members that could be copied for free. Whilst Napster itself did not store any musical file, it acted as a go between the user and the supplier which resulted in huge numbers of people signing in for the service as it gave the provision of downloading music and even copying it to their CDs free of charge. Likewise, other services such as Kazaa, WinMix, Morpheus and Grokster were developed after the demise of Napster. These services distributed software to various users that enabled them to locate computers with musical files of their choice and downloading without paying. So basically in this regard, the different software that was developed and distributed online allowed users to enjoy the benefit of downloading and copying music for free without the permission of the owners and producers. However, the main impact of piracy in this case has been the tremendous decline in music sales by the recording companies as a result of the rush for free music that could also be accessed online with

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bioinformatics assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bioinformatics - Assignment Example Tasks 1-7 are related to the material in Section B. Task 8 is to be found in Section C and uses the peptide sequence that was allocated to you. Marks are shown in parentheses. Task 1 (no marks) Write down the peptide sequence (near the start of section B) in single letter format (put a space between each letter): C G L V P V L A E N Y N K S Task 2 (8 marks) What do you conclude about the top seven matches for the peptide sequence? The results show that the matches are all peptide sequences which code for transferrin protein, except for one match, ICA, which codes for an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase in pigs. The sequence matches code for different forms of transferrin proteins in various species. For example the 14 amino acid sequence is codes for serotransferrin in humans while it forms part of the protein code for lactotransferrin in horse. This shows that the same peptide sequence codes for the same protein in different species. Task 3 (1 + 1 marks) Write down: a) The number of amino acid residues: 698 b) The relative molecular mass (Mr): 77,064 Task 4 (2 marks) What are the details against TITLE? Protein Chain A: 329 residues Ligands: CO3 338(A) Metal: FE 339(A) Water: ?138 Task 5 (1 + 2 + 1 + 4 marks) a) What is the number of cleavages for pepsin (at pH 1.3)? 214 b) Why is the pH quoted? The pH can affect the catalyst activity of an enzyme. Extreme pH can denature the active site of the enzyme. pH also gives an idea of the optimum temperature at which the enzyme is able to work. Changes in pH affect the actions of the enzyme. Therefore, at different pH, the hydrolytic action of the pepsin differs. Therefore, it is important to quote the pH. c) What is the number of cleavages for trypsin? 79 d) By reference to average peptide fragment lengths, which of the above two enzymes would be better for producing peptides for amino acid sequencing (and why)? Pepsin can cleave at a greater number of sites than trypsin. This means that cleavage by pepsin can produce much shorter peptide fragments compared to cleavage by trypsin. For amino acid sequencing, usually if the peptide is less than 50 amino acid residues, there is no need to further cleave the peptide. The peptides which are 50 AA residues or less can be sequenced by a cyclic procedure, where the AA is first labelled, cleaved and indentified; the process is then repeated on the shortened fragment. However if the peptide is longer than 50 residues, there is a need to first shorten the protein chain before the cyclic procedure is carried out. This means that the enzyme which makes smaller fragments is suitable for sequencing in this case. Calculating the length of the peptide fragments: Pepsin: 698/214? 3 AA Trypsin: 698/79?8 AA In this case, pepsin makes a fragment which is equal to a single AA. This means that pepsin is more suitable. Task 6 (1 + 1 + 4 marks) a) What is the name of the amino acid residue to which carbohydrate is attached? Asparagine b) What is the position number of th is amino acid in the protein’s amino acid sequence? 432 c) How are sugars attached to proteins? Via glycosidic bonds Task 7 (1 + 1 + 1 + 4 marks) a) Number of disulphide bridges: 8 b) Number of strands: 13 c) Number of helices: 15 d) Why are disulphide bridges important for those proteins that have them? Disulphide bonds have an important role in the stability of proteins. They also help to bring about folding in the proteins. The disulphide bond lowers the entropy of the unfolded form of the protein, thus lowering its

What is evidence in your view How can one tell truthfulness from Research Paper

What is evidence in your view How can one tell truthfulness from falsehood Indeed what tools are at the disposal of a critical mind to uncover evidence and draw reasonable conclusions - Research Paper Example t claimed that evidence comprised of the stimulation of an individual’s sensory receptors while another great empiricist named Bertrand Russell states that evidence is sense information, the mental items of one’s consciousness. Additionally, it is also tied closely to the philosophy of science. Unquestionably, the term evidence is barely a philosopher’s word of art. Philosophers are not the only personalities who regularly speak of evidence, but also judges, lawyers, scientists, historians, and reporters speak of it often. Therefore, the notion of evidence is stronger on a pre-theoretical ground than several other notions that enjoy similar fundamental standings within philosophy. If one relates philosophical explanations of evidence with the manner the notion is often used in non-philosophical notions, a confusion comes up. For instance, if you see how the non-philosophers like the historians, forensic scientists, and archeologists, among others term evidence th eir perception is quite different from that of the philosophers. Therefore evidence is based on belief (Kelly, 15). Reality can have a more complicated and fluid explanation than we might understand. Rather than being a tangible ability to view black and white dissimilarities concerning ideas and establishing beliefs on external evidence, an individual’s idea of reality can accommodate opposing beliefs, reject, and disregard truth when suitable, or embrace ideas seemingly outrageous in a sane biosphere. A postmodern work of falsehood permits for the changing and shifting of reality, hence providing the audience an alternative reality to associate the alleged truth outside the work. According to Winston, the reality is something impartial, external, and existing in its particular right, the nature of truth is self-evident. However, Kant challenges Winston idea and states the idea of reality is all in the human mind. Kant illustrated a strong distinction concerning our perceptions of reality and the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Apple Employee Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Apple Employee Training - Essay Example As per January 2014, the company had over 400 retail stores in more than 15 countries and an online store whereby hardware and software products are sold. However, despite the incredible growth the company has experienced over time, the is a pressing need to keep on training its employees in various departments in order to have a competitive edge over its close rivals like Microsoft, Dell, Samsung, Acer, Lenovo among other global technological giants. In the past, Apple Incorporation has been using a distribution channel that involved intermediaries in this case being authorized dealers. This strategy had proven to be a good idea in most parts of the world and particularly in the past when the company was under leadership of Steve Jobs. However, of late, the strategy has started backfiring as its close rivals adopt other strategies that are highly outdoing the company’s operations. One weakness that this channel of distribution has created is the fact that dealers do not know much about Apple products hence are completely unable to meet the requirements of the customers; they are unable to answer technical questions relating to the products (Apple, 2014). This has ended up making the company start opening its own physical and online stores in order to retain its market share in this competitive wave. As a result, the company requires training of cashiers, public relation personnel in their different stores, managers among human resources. Moreover, the company is under threat of being technologically dormant, a gap that is being created by the fact that its co-founder and a techno genius Steve Jobs is no longer in the management. This has made the company focus on training ambitious young persons in order to fill the gap that was created in hope that they will get another genius. However, this paper will focus on employees training with relation to public relation personnel, cashiers and other positions that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

RADIUS Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RADIUS Implementation - Essay Example By using RADIUS, every access and authentication to a company’s network applications are controlled by the RADIUS server, which serves as a functioning host (Harrington, 2005). As a systems administrator, one of my major duties is ensuring that the company’s network system is running smoothly and that any technical glitches are fixed immediately to prevent further delays in the execeution of tasks that may cause the company to lose money. Therefore the vast logging capabilities of RADIUS will be very beneficial in ensuring that I am able to ensure that the optimal conditions of the network system are maintained, courtesy of RADIUS’ capacity to map out an audit trail of the network system. This will enable me to analyze logging files for billing and security purposes. There is growing need for improved security measures in order to restrict intrusion and restricted entry to a company’s network environment. This has led to the development of new viruses and other malicious programs and software aimed at disrupting company functions, thus requiring a system that can adapt to these changes. RADIUS offers a long lasting solution to the evolving network environment by adopting a server that utilizes modifiable stubs. Simply, the RADIUS server adapts itself to an individual network and can expand to provide other security services. According to Cache et al., the Network Policy Server found in Windows Server 2012 possesses some features that are compatible with RADIUS, especially in relation to the company’s network environment. One of the characteristics includes its ability to ensure the migration of NPS configuration settings for RADIUS servers and clients. The configuration settings capacity also extends to shared secrets which can be migrated the Network Policy Server (Cache, 2007). Morimoto argues that the basic reasons for implementing RADIUS is in order for supporting

Monday, September 23, 2019

Transition Plan for preschool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Transition Plan for preschool - Essay Example Historically and recently there were number of incidents that relate to transitional change and the effect of unpreparedness was harsh. The fall of Great Berlin Wall and its outcome is still in the making and the recent financial crunch and the banks and governments unpreparedness and unexpectedness of this situation has led to more increasing crisis all over the world. (Mario and Marko, 2001) Schools have an important role to play in the lives of children in regard to their education and skills. The present challenges faced by schools are preparing them for the future studies. Children in kindergarten should be assessed on various criterions like physical, emotional, linguistic and cognitive and work according to the requirement laid down in the code of practice. Children should be advised on all the issues of transition by preparing a proper transition plan. Children should be prepared well to take on the forthcoming challenges. Schools have to pen down various measures and steps to ensure that transition in schools do not have harsh impact on students. Transition is planning for one's future after high school while still in high school. Though it is necessary that transition should take place, but schools have their own difficulties and challenges in regard to standard of education and curriculum The schools must lay down procedures to tackle such issues through

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Self In Interpersonal Communication Essay Example for Free

The Self In Interpersonal Communication Essay Sometimes I find it difficult to express myself, even to people who are close to me, especially when it comes to expressing my emotions. When a friend does something that irritates me or makes me angry, I just tend to keep silent and not talk about it. I feel mad at him, but I do not tell him, I try to deal with it on my own. Because of this, whatever he did to make me mad in the first place occurs again. I understand that I cannot really expect him to change his ways or to expect him to know that I am not happy with what he does. For example, I have this friend who I get along with really well except when it comes to food. I do not mind sharing my food, but we have known each other a long time that he no longer asks me if it is okay if he takes food from my plate. Sometimes he even eats my food before I do, and it really irritates me. I just let him at it, waiting for him to realize his bad manners, but he has not changed. It has put strain on our friendship, sometimes I raise my voice at him for seemingly no reason but as I look within me I know that it is because of the vent up feelings of how he is disregarding me. Now of course I realize that I should not wish him to change, instead I should change my ways. I end up feeling bad when I know he has no malice and bad intent. I should just tell him how he makes me feel when he takes my food without even asking me, and simply request him to be more considerate and respectful, he can just ask so we can share equally without anxiety.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Water And The Effects On The Human Body

Water And The Effects On The Human Body Water covered 70% of the earth surface and it is colorless, tasteless and odorless liquid. Water consists of physical and chemical properties. H2O is the chemical formula for water and its formula are one oxygen and two hydrogen. Water is the only natural substance that found in liquid, solid and gas. The boiling point for water is 100Â °C, however the freezing point is 0Â °C. H2O is a necessity for all living things, every living thing on earth need water to survive and it helps human in certain ways. Example like digestion, respiration and etc. Human bodies are made up of 60-65% of water and so water plays an important role to us in our life. The aim of this report is investigate will 8 glasses of water a day gave a better life to people? This study draws on information gathered from various Malaysian and international articles, journals, and World Wide Web sites. Figure 1: Drinking water 2.0 Advantages of drinking water Water is a necessity for all living things in this world and human could only survive in three days without drinking water so it plays an important role throughout our life. Drinking more water not just makes us healthier but to make sure all our organs in our body work smoothly. 2.1 Excretion Water is the solution for maintaining a healthy lifestyle by drinking generous amounts of water every day is essential for good health because it helps our body to cleanse our body toxins out through kidney (Batmanghelidj, n.d). Kidney and livers play an important role in excretion and water helps kidney and livers to function properly by carry away toxins from the human body. 2.2 Perspiration When we having a cold or fever we need more water to standardize our body temperature and water help us to maintain our body temperature (Dawkins Gibson, 2007). When our surrounding temperature is hot, our body will starting to sweat and by sweating we are actually getting rid of unhealthy toxic and waste materials in our body. Sweat itself contains of 99% water, so whenever we starting to sweat a lot we should start rehydrate too as it will lead to hydration if we didnt drink enough water. 2.3 Other bodily functions Water carries away waste, and helps to carry medicines to the proper places in the body. Water helps to cushion your babys ride when you are pregnant and also helps to prevent cramping fatigue during exercise (Dawkins Gibson, 2007). Water keep us away from dry skin and prevent headache (M. Woods, n.d). Water helps to improve physical performance (muscles are 73% water), improve the circulation (blood is 82% water), improve mental function (the brain is 72% water) (Hall, 2004). 2.4 Flushes toxins out of vital organs Water absorbs our bodys waste products and other toxic compounds which then leave the body through the urinary tract (Dr Moonlenburgh 2009). Metabolic wastes are also carried and excreted in a water medium. Drinking plenty of water is one good way to keep the kidneys and bladder in good health (Hall, 2004). Our body needs water to remove toxins and waste, so our body will be healthier. 3.0 Disadvantage of not drinking water Nowadays, people are drinking lesser and lesser water as they claimed they have NO TIME TO DRINK WATER this is because their stressful work in office or homework in school. If a person doesnt drink enough of water, it will effect the humans mental and emotional and then you will have less energy and hard to concentrate compare to your normally do and this symptom is called mild dehydration. 3.1 Constipation Studies shown that low level of chronic dehydration have increased the risk of constipation (and its potential effects, including hemorrhoids and diverticulosis) (Woods, n.d). Lack of water in our diet will cause constipation and stomach acid problems by drinking good amount of water will cure it. Experts said that if a person consume not enough amount of water it will cause indurate to the fasces and constipation problem occur. By drinking enough amount of water will solve the problem of constipation by let the fasces went through smoothly from the intestine. 3.2 Dehydration Dehydration occurs when our body is losing water thorough breathing, sweat and urinates. Furthermore, dehydration can cause body temperature increase and so does increase dizziness (M. Dawkins, J. Gibson, 2007). When we sweat extremely or diarrhea it will lead to dehydration and so by taking enough of fluids can prevent dehydration from happening. 3.3 Dried skin Without adequate water in the body, tissue can not be formed or repaired and so dried skin is formed. Dried skin occurs when our skin is lack of water and not oil, water hydrates our skin and helping the skin to stay young and healthy. Experts claims that human loses one to three quarts of water per day so we need to keep ourselves on track by drinking enough of water to prevent our skin suffer. 3.4 Reduce the risk of bladder cancer Insufficient of fluid intake would increase the risk of bladder, breast and colon cancer (Woods, n.d). When a person dehydrated , the person will have poor blood circulation and failing kidney function soon, as the longer the person dehydrated the risk of having this symptom will happened faster (Dawkins Gibson 2007). A group of doctors claimed that the risk of having a bladder cancer is increasing over the ten years and those men who drank a lot had lower risk of having the bladder cancer (Dr Whitaker, 2000). 4.0 Water habit Water is beneficial for us everyday but due to the polluted environment nowadays even the price of beer are cheaper than a plain water and this causes people around the world would rather drink beer than a plain and tasteless water. The recommended glass of water is eight glasses as our human body consists of 75% water and we need to rehydrate everyday. In fact, we can only survive for three days without drinking water. Water is not only important but it is the way to live a longer and better life. 4.1 Carry a bottle Habit of carry a bottle is not train by one day, it need a long period for a person to carry a bottle whenever the person go out, whether shop, walk or to an activity as Rome was not build in one day also. So those who want a good healthy lifestyle and prevent constipation and other cancer causes start carrying a bottle around with them all day. If you are a workaholic, u should keep a glass of water at your desk and when it is empty fill them up again and keep drinking more. 4.2 Set a reminder The first glass of water everyday morning plays an important role because it will energize our metabolism and rid toxins from our body. If you are a forgetful person use your hand phone alarm or the reminder system to help u out by every thirty minutes drink a glass of water. Setting a reminder the first weeks will not be as easy as Practice makes prefect so we have to remind our self to drink more water for a better life in future. 4.3 Exercise By the word exercise we will know that we will sweat a lot and that means we will lose a lot of water from our body and by exercising it can make us want to drink more water. Experts said that if we are going to exercise, drink the suitable amount of water first so our body wont be affected by having dehydration during our exercise period. 5.0 Types of water Water is perhaps the products that every consumer are using and consumer taking every types of water in a serious matter as we all want to use water that are free from bacteria and harm. Nowadays, nobody drinks from the home tap anymore, and for the good reasons. The quality of the domestic water supply is suspected, and often deficient and dirty. For those looking to enjoy a variety of waters, here is just a sampling of the many different types available (J. Rose, 2007). 5.1 Distilled water Distilled water is a type of water that has been purified. It is often used to clean fragile items, as it has no mineral deposits that could damage the delicate fibers. Distilled water should ideally be nothing but hydrogen and oxygen molecules, with a PH level of 7 and no additional gases, minerals or contaminants. (What is Distilled Water?, n.d). Distilled water helps flushes toxic substances out from our body and by drinking it our body will be healthier and better. The process of distillation is first boil the water to its boiling point and by condensing the steam into another container and there is where we found the pure water. But one of the disadvantage of distilled water is it doesnt consist any minerals in it this is because due to the process of distillation so it would just be a pure water. 5.2 Mineral water Mineral water is said that it consist the most mineral in its water and this type of water is the healthiest among all those water. But those minerals could be naturally or man made. Minerals help us throughout our life by maintaining a better life. Lack of mineral could fall sick or worse. In the 21st century everyone in earth are worried about their own health due to the environment pollution and mineral water nowadays make an important role. Due to the demand of mineral water increase it also increase the numbers of mineral water company too and there is where bottled water came up. Some said mineral water can prevent us from having cramp or joints pain. 5.3 Well water Spring water has many names but is more commonly know as well water. Natural spring water contains of some beneficial minerals that normal filtered water that doesnt have. But well water also can be contaminate and consist of microorganisms that we cant see using our naked eye, chemicals and so do the environment problem that happening nowadays so spring water consist of cons too. Some said that well water tastes much better and is more convenient than bottled water but some said well water are contaminated and its bad health due to the environment problem. 6.0 Conclusion In conclusion, 8 glasses of water a day will bring better life and a healthier lifestyle to a person. Consume more than 8 glasses of water a day will help our human body to flush toxins from the lymph system to body and avoid constipation. Furthermore, experts had said intake of more fluids will reduce the risk of having cancer and sickness. Lastly, water is the most important nutrient in our lives and it will lead us to a longer and better quality life. Based on the reasons above, 8 glasses of water a day will bring a better life to us.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Spin Cycle :: essays research papers

SPIN CYCLE With so many different scandal to his credit and numerous ongoing investigations pending, President Clinton has been bombarded by the media in a fashion not seen since the last days of the Nixon administration. Despite this unwanted attention, Clinton has managed to maintain lofty approval ratings and successfully deflect even the most ardent attacks. How does he do it? This question is answered in full in Spin Cycle, a backroom look at how news is created and packaged in the White House and the methods used to distribute it to the public. In painting a detailed picture of the hand-to-hand combat known as a press conference, Kurtz shows how the use of controlled leaks, meticulously worded briefs, and the outright avoidance of certain questions allows the White House to control the scope and content of the stories that make it to the front page and the nightly network news. As Kurtz makes clear, the president and First Lady are convinced that the media are out to get them, while the journalists covering the White House are constantly frustrated at the stonewalling and the lack of cooperation they encounter while trying to do their jobs. In the middle is the White House press secretary Mike McCurry, a master at defusing volatile situations and walking the fine line with the press. Though less paranoid and cynical of the media than Clinton, he often finds himself on both ends of personal attacks and vendettas that veer far outside the arena of objective reporting. The anecdotes and carefully buried information that Kurtz has uncovered give this book a brisk pace, along with ample invaluable information that cuts to the core of this age of media overkill. Kurtz focuses mainly on White House response to scandal news in 1996 and 1997, and he does not purport to cover most other aspects of the relationship between the president and the press. And within the narrow scope of his research, he had only fragmentary access to important information. For legal and political reasons, white House aides were probably not inclined to volunteer the whole truth. What’s more, the story is still unfolding. Though he adds nothing to what is known about recent happenings in the Oval Office, he does shed light on a subject that remains of considerable importance: the techniques used by the Clinton administration to shape the way it is portrayed in the press. It never seriously takes up the issue that seems to lie at its core.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Kidnapped :: Free Essays Online

Kidnapped Kidnapped: Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751 was written by Robert Louis Stevenson. Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850. As a child growing up Stevenson was extremely sick and suffered from severe respiratory ailments which continually interrupted his schooling. As he grew up his relationship with his parents became more and more difficult. His father expected Robert to follow the family profession and become an engineer. Stevenson agreed to study law but rarely attended classes and studied literature instead. Motivated by his love for adventure and need for a climate that suited his health needs Stevenson was continually traveling. In the 1870’s he traveled to France making money off of essays and travel books. There he met Fanny Osbourne, a married American he soon fell in love with. Stevenson followed Fanny to California to arrange for her divorce and soon after the newly married couple moved back to Europe During the 1880’s Stevenson wrote the novels that would make him famous. Treasure Island was the first book to set him off on his literary career in 1883. This book although written for a boys magazine is said to be more for an adult audience; that’s how most of Stevenson’s books are, filled with romantic adventure and a grim reality. In 1886, Stevenson wrote two novels, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, one of his most famous works, and Kidnapped. Although received highly by the critics Kidnapped was overshadowed by Jekyll and Hyde in the public’s eye. Kidnapped is a story with fictional characters woven around true incidents. David Balfour is orphaned at nineteen and sent to his uncle to gain his inheritance. As he travels across the country to get to his uncle’s estate he learns that the people curse his name. When he gets to his uncle’s house instead of being greeted with a warm family welcome, his Uncle Ebenezer shuns him away. David refuses to leave and demands his inheritance and his uncle finally decides to take him in.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: An Unforgettable Summer :: College Admissions Essays

An Unforgettable Summer    Many people often mention the fact that everyone in their life time will have an unforgettable summer. Well, this seemed plausible after the summer I spent in Seoul, Korea. This trip is thus far the best summer in my lifetime that I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. I remember from the first meeting spot for my own delegation in Portland, Oregon; how I came to meet new people from all around the United States. The trip was off to a success ever since we left for Korea from the Portland Airport and my adventure was underway. I love flying, but I gained new meaning when the initial flight took about 13 hours. However, this was great because it gave many people from my delegation to mingle together and become better acquainted with one another. I know for me it helped tremendously because I am a demure person at times, so as the flight progressed I grew more comfortable with everyone.    As my memory begins to extend even further I distinctly remember arriving at the Seoul Airport where we were befriended by some fellow residents of Korea involved with the Science Festival. As the first week was underway it was an incredible feeling as I interacted with many people from other countries and observed science lectures, and presentations. I remember seeing some excellent projects that were amonngst my own as we participated in the student presentation portion of the festival. One great moment for me was the talent show, where many countries presented themselves as a cultural representative of their native land. I remember I was supposed to perform in addition to presenting my science research report, but there was not enough time for every single person to perform, so I could not showcase my vocal talent. However, one day we took a fieldtrip to one of the Seoul high schools and there were various people on the chartered bus from different countries, so people start singi ng karokee on the machine that was on the bus. So needless to say I did my own rendition of a popular American song and I was surprised to see the huge reaction out of everyone because so many people knew the song and cheered along. Many people also loved the fact that I sang it without the music because I performed it acapella.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Creative Arts Essay

This lecture enhances the creativity of the students by cultivating their interest in music. Various activities using different mediums like listening to CDs or watching musical shows help in having a better understanding of the lecture. Though the lecture may seem filled with fun activities, the lecture also focuses on teaching about the technical terms commonly used in studying music. Analysis In this lecture, I have learned that it is important to have interaction with the students in order to determine their learning progress. Also, having an activity that would sum all the lectures would be beneficial in measuring the student’s learning curve. Week 1 Visual Arts Description The teaching strategy used to teach the visual arts is methodical wherein the basic ideas are introduced about visual arts followed by an activity to put into practice what the students learned in class. More so, to teach kids about visual arts, use examples that theu can easily relate like cartoons or anything that is related to the interest of children. Meanwhile, for an older audience, use images or samples that apply to their generation so that they can quickly understand the lesson. Analysis Going through the lesson plan, I have noticed that beyond the explanation of basic visual art terminologies and the description of numerous artworks, art appreciation was also included. Art can be very subjective so the interpretation of a piece of art can be derived from one’s opinion. Because of this art appreciation can be very limited but by teaching the objective and academic way of assessing artworks, ordinary people can obtain a better understanding and respect for the world of visual arts. Week 4 Dance Description This lecture shows how and why students should learn the art of dancing. I personally like the part that encourages students to craft their own moves to express their knowledge and judgment about dancing. Through this, one can really value the importance of this art form in a particular culture. Analysis I have learned that dancing can enhance or stimulate several types of intelligence including visual-spatial, interpersonal and others. Also, I have realized that dancing is not just movement but it also help in boosting self-esteem and enhancing social skills. Week 6 Drama Description Teaching drama requires focus and self-discovery. Students can use words or images to invoke emotions. To do this, one still needs to conduct research in order to realistically play a specific role. Also, it would be better to perform in front of other people so that you will be given criticisms on how to improve your acting skills. This will also be an opportunity to interact with other actors. Analysis Prior to reading this lecture, I have always associated drama with just acting out roles like what I see in the movies and television programs. Drama is more than what it seems. It involves a lot of concentration, dedication and understanding about different things in life. More so, every part of the body is used in this art form to convey a message or a story. Week 10 Arts and Literacy Description This lecture provides provide children with holistic and meaningful learning experiences. It uses integration to make the change from learning facts to understanding and applying concepts to developing generic skills for living and working. Analysis I think syntegration is a great way to teach arts and literacy. This is a process wherein subjects are working together synergistically to explore a theme, concept or focus question, while achieving their own outcomes as well as generic outcomes. Through this, students are able to value and fully appreciate what they learn in class. Week 11 Thematic Integration Learning Description A simple element like the colors of the rainbow can be used to learn about the different forms of art. Through definition and application, students can determine how to relate one form of art to another. Analysis I like the idea of having different stages in learning. First by exploring, then followed by developing the skills involved and lastly would be reflecting on the end results. Through this, students can have the freedom to discover things at their own space and they can interpret their findings based on their own opinions. This teaching strategy is simple and direct but it is a very effective learning tool.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Social Evil

Sample essay on Social Evils Still Persist in our society Social evils are prevalent in almost all the backward countries. Surprising enough that India, a country proud of her ancient culture is no exception to it. Conservatism and fundamentalism apart there are certain customs that smear the face of this ancient land that is trying to build a modern image in the world. Go to any part of the country you will find something going on you'll be ashamed of. Even some good customs have taken a woeful course.There Was a time girls having taste in dance and music offered themselves to the cult of devadasis in prestigeoiis temples throughout the country. They were virgins and dedicated their lives to the deity in the temple. They were respected by the whole society. Muslim invasions are responsible for the demolition of a large number of temples in the North and North West. With them the very institution of devadasis disappeared. But it still persists in a few districts of Maharashtra and Ka mataka. Ire rate between the age of 7 and 14 are offered to be bride of goddess Yellamma a Saundathi temple in Belgaum district.According to a rough estimate abort 5000 are still offered on full moon day during the month of Magh every year. Gradually a vicious belief has come up that the devadasis are maids to please Parashuram who lives in all men. A devadasi dare not displease Parashuram. What an obnoxious design to exploit the girls sexually. Most of these poor girls join the red light area (prostitute market in Mumbai and its suburbs. Bonded labor is another social stigma on our face. The poor in rural areas (both men and women) are lured by contractors' men to have a job.They are given a few hundred rupees and sign a document making them bonded labor. They are taken to distant places to work in construction: rework or kilns. The women and small boys and girls are sexually assaulted too. Many of the boys are sold again and again. They hardly know where they belong to. Although B andhua Mazdoor Mukti SanghofSwami Agnivesi got a very large number of these slave laborers free many are still there the net. The prey of the custom of devadasis and bonded laborers are general illiterate scheduled caste or scheduled tribe people from rural areas.But those girls who suffer because of the evil custom of dowry belong to all sections of the society both in rural and urban areas in almost all the state; the evil that started from the North has engulfed the whole of South too. Today the more educated a boy is the bigger the demand of dowry too. Thousands of girls who are harassed for not bringing sufficient dowry either commit suicide or are burnt alive by the in-laws or the husbands themselves. Caste system might have served the purpose of maintaining certain – discipline in the society when it was based on profession and not on birth.Today its proliferation into more than 5000 castes from four and that toe based on birth has become the gravest evil. It is respon sible for the stratification in the society the upper castes are harassing the lower castes. It took the lower castes more than a millennium to assert themselves. Today they are up in arms against the so called upper castes—3000 against 2000. What a game? Caste consciousness has gained over national consciousness. It seems the social evil that was taken for granted in the past may bring a storm that will rip open the very basis of unity.Reservations for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward classes may not be able to check the reaction in the minds of the lower castes against the upper ones who still consider the former as pariah. The disparity can be removed only by giving all equal status. The so called upper castes are not giving it even today—of course at the cost of their own safety in the times to come. Woman is wary of the design of the ojha if you go to a tribal village. He may declare you a witch and the villagers may kill you in their own cruel desi gn. A large number of tribal women suffer from this agony every year.Don't educate the tribal's and the scheduled castes and this is what you get. Male Chauvinism and child marriages are the two social diseases that are 110 less harmful than AIDS itself. AIDS attacks a person who has . committed a folly or has been wrongly injected. Children are married at an they are not conscious of what is going on with them. Thousands of children become a prey to this evil on the day of Akshaya Tritiya in many areas of Rajasthan. Many children become widow before becoming girls. Their whole life becomes a hell. Male Chauvinism too is no less a social evil.Males have been dominating females throughout the world. It does not mean it is not an evil. In India—specially in the rural areas—women are worse even than the domestic animals. It is a social evil for it doesn't allow the development of an egalitarian society that is the basis of a democracy. Moreover if a woman is ‘ Ardha ngani' (half part) it is rather queer half part exploiting the other half. How can the health of the nation be maintained that way? Essay – 1 Indian society is one of the oldest societies. It has got its own customs and traditions.Some of them are very old. They do not suit the present times. Times go on changing. We must also change our customs and traditions to keep pace with the times. Some of our customs are not only useless but are also obstacles in the way of social progress. It is, therefore, essential that they must be changed. The older must change giving place to the new; I will introduce the following social reforms, if ever I become the minister of social welfare. Our marriage customs must be reformed, Child-marriage and early marriage have no place in social life today.Boys and girls must be given some say in the selection of their partners. I will pass a law which make dowry hunting a legal offence. I will allow no business in the form of marriage, as this is a great social curse. This will be my first reform. Now-a-days we do not get the necessities of life in pure condition. Milk, ghee, butter, oil, etc. all are sold adulterated. Not only food stuffs, but medicines, toilet goods and their articles also are mixed with inferior and cheaper substances. This amounts to the cheating of the people. This is a social crime.I will make all possible efforts to curb this nefarious trade. The people will be ensured the supply of pure and unadulterated goods. In our society, drinking is becoming common. There is also drug addiction on a large scale. Then evil effects of such habits are too well known to need any discussion. Society must be saved from this social curse. I will educate the people against these evils as well as pass laws against them. When I become the minister for social welfare, this social reform will receive my urgent attention. Man and woman are the two wheels of the social cart.Both of them must be equally strong. But in our socie ty women are illiterate. They are kept in ‘purdah’. They are denied their due rights. Illiteracy is most wide-spread among women. I will pay special attention towards female education. This will remove many evils from society. Purdah will come to an end. Women will become equal partners with men in the work of the development of the country. Untouchability is a curse. We treat a large section of our people, as if they were animals. I will do my utmost to eradicate this social evil. Public opinion shall be educated against it.The condition of the untouchables shall be improved. Food prices have been raising for sometime past, one of the main causes of this is the hoarding of food grains. There is acute shortage of a number of essential commodities. To earn huge profits, businessmen hoard the necessities of life. This causes great hardship to the people. I will introduce legislation to check hoarding with the greatest zeal and effort. Hoarders, black marketers and profite ers would be severely dealt with. These are but the most important of the social reforms which have been long overdue.Besides these, there are many other social evils like child labour, gambling, wastage of food etc. , on the occasion of marriages and other social ceremonies etc. I will introduce reform in these spheres also. Social reforms are urgently needed. There can be no two opinions about this. Others have also made efforts in this direction. But the results have not been very encouraging. I will give top priority to social reforms. Effective laws will be framed. Public opinion will be created in support of these reforms. Administration will be made strict.Then alone will success be achieved. Note: This essay can also be used for the topics like: †¢ If I Were The minister of Social reform Or of Social Welfare of My State †¢ Some Social Evils and Their Reform Essay -2 The social evils and superstitions that had crept in the society over the centuries made social refo rms imperative for the development of the society and the masses. In the 19th century, the newly educated persons increasingly revolted against rigid social conventions and outdated customs. They could no longer tolerate irrational and de-humanising social practices.Moreover, the backward features of Indian society, such as the caste system or inequality of the sexes had religious sanctions in the past. Therefore, it was necessary to reform religious practices as well. The condition of women was pathetic. The various religions practised in India as well as the personal laws based on them consigned women to a status inferior to that of men. Polygamy, Purdah system, sort, ban on widow remarriage, no education for female child, female infanticide, child marriages were some of the evils that had vice—like grip over the society.It thus became necessary to take the women out of this degraded position and help her to realise her true potential. The problems of female feoticide, sexu al harassment at workplace, education are so diverse that they need sound financial backing, all these social evils centre around the petty and marginalized conditions of women in the society. We need to combat evils like the glorification of sati places as pilgrimages, dowry system, girl feoticide, decline in sex ratio, harassment of women etc. This can be achieved by educating the woman and making her financially independent.Rajasthan has been in the news recently and for all the wrong reasons. First, it was tigers disappearing, then it was a guidebook that referred to sati-sites as tourist destinations, and then it was child marriages. The legal age for marriage in India is 18 years for women and 21 years for men. Any marriage of a person younger than this is banned in India under the Child Marriage Prevention Act of 1929. But child marriages still take place in India; particularly around the Hindu holy day of Akshya Tritiya (also knows as Akha Teej).Yet, it is a religious tradit ion in many places in India and therefore, difficult to change. People feel that traditions are valuable and should not be changed, especially religious traditions, since changing these would amount to asking people not to practise their religion, a fundamental principle of democracy. Dowry in India, the practice of endowing the groom by the bride's family, is a tradition, which has changed its intentions from giving a gift to demanding for astronomical amounts which has bankrupted lots of families and made many girls either to commit suicide or being murdered.Bride-price, which is the endowment to the bride’s clan, which is widely practised in Papua New Guinea, too, has changed from the earlier intentions thereby making it a business. Moral and ethical concerns of the society weigh a great deal with those in public life as their behaviour is keenly watched by the people. At concerned quarters, views are being expressed over the general decline of values in public life. There is a general feeling that all is not well with our socio-political system which is functioning under a great strain.In such a situation, the representatives of the people have to set high standards of behaviour in public life. Members of Parliament have not only to represent the society but have also to lead it. Therefore, they have to function as the role models and this naturally casts on them a heavy responsibility. Our freedom fighters and national leaders had set high ethical and moral standards in public life and they followed those principles scrupulously. This tendency, it is painfully observed, is now on a decline.There has been a wide and critical collapse of moral values in all walks of life and a perilous decline in the human dimension in global, political and trade relations and national economy. Development has culminated in widespread discontent, corruption, unemployment, violence, communal and racial discord and much human distress, destruction and disillusionment. Barring this, the caste system, which had its roots in religion, is another curse in society. Though not so rigid in urban areas, it is still practised in rural areas with the same zeal.Caste determines man's marriage, social circle and profession. The untouchables suffer from numerous disabilities and restrictions. His dresses, food, place of residence, all are degraded. Not only is it humiliating and inhuman and based on anti-democratic principle of inequality by birth, it is a cause of social disintegration. Thus, it has to be fought against. Another problem that our society faces is the rapid criminalisation of the polity, that could be the result of the fact that criminals have understood the mechanics of the electoral process and have themselves become contenders for power.Earlier, politicians patronised criminals and provided them protection from the law-enforcement agencies in exchange for the use of their muscle power during elections. And now it is the opposite-with the cr iminals themselves taking over the reigns of power and patronising the « politicians and their parties. Of late, there is an increasing exposure of the criminals in the! Governing system of the country, to the extent that it alienates the common people for power. The criminalisation of politics is a reflection of, and a factor that aggravates the crisis of the political system.Only a qualitative change that transforms the system from its very roots can resolve this crisis in favour of the people. In the rural economy, both unemployment and under employment exist side by side and the distinction between them is by no means sharp. In the rural areas, increasing population implies an increasing pressure on land. This pressure on land has resulted in an increase in the number of agriculturists, and this has largely contributed to the problem of unutilised labour or disguised unemployment in the agricultural sector. A large labour force accumulates around primary occupations.A general in elasticity of occupational structure prevents any large movement away from these in periods of slack demand. This leads to seasonal unemployment also. In short, the major feature of rural unemployment is the existence of unemployment in the form of disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment rather than open unemployment that exists in the urban areas. Idol worship, superstitions, Brahmanical or clergy superiority, all had to be fought against, for all the social practices finding sanction in religion. Yet a lot needs to be done to eradicate from the shreds a number of social evils still haunting our society.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cinema And Its Impact On Society Film Studies Essay

In the subcontinent there are legion traditions and patterns that are based on ignorance and which have captivated the advancement of the societies. Of such negative influenced ignorance, unsociableness, dowry systems, rigidness of caste system and solitude system have done singular injury to the society. These influences are present in our society and are practiced without the reverberation of the wake that they bring with them, the society keeps following them like aristocracy preached through hereditary traditions. Cinema movies have, had and will go on to torch visible radiation to eliminate the obstinate discolorations in the sub Continental society. Cinema has been used to advance obliteration of trafficking, illiteracy, bondage, promote national integrating, household planning, and inter caste/religion matrimonies. Cinema can be used as a tool to lend to steer the society to continue along the righteous way. It has been and will be used as a mean to take ignorance from the sub Continental society. hypertext transfer protocol: // % E2 % 80 % 94-its-impact-on-society There are dynamic positions and realisation of film to different people associated to this signifier of media, for case for the Manufacturers it is a mean of a moneymaking concern, for managers and backroom staff, it is a signifier of canvas for them there they can execute their art work to the multitudes for personal desire and satisfaction, for on screen performing artists, such as histrions and actresses, its is a mean of gaining money and face value, while for the multitudes it is a mean of inexpensive and interesting signifier of amusement and interest for their screening and listening pleasance. This is one of the cardinal grounds why film has been a booming industry for ages and clasp of a major market portion of the amusement industry. hypertext transfer protocol: // Indian Cinema: Since its get downing with the movie ‘Raja Harish Chandra ‘ ( 1913 ) , the film has remained the most powerful media for mass communicating in India. Cinema has the ability to unite amusement with communicating of thoughts. It has the possible entreaty for its audience. It surely leaves other media far behind in doing such an entreaty. As in literature, film has produced much which touches the innermost beds of the adult male. It mirrors the episodes in such a mode that leaves an impact on the coming coevalss. Cinema presents an image of the society in which it is born and the hopes, aspirations, defeat and contradictions present in any given societal order. In the present epoch, film is acquiring replaced by little screen productions. Televised seriess and programmes are replacing fad. They advertise and earn gross for industry. Thus movies telecast has become a beginning of farther income for the industry and trade. Man has inherent aptitudes, different ideas flow which leave an consequence on the heads. The individual laughs with the movies and cryings with them. Scenes of ‘Shaheed Bhagat Singh ‘ , a movie by Raj Kumar Santoshi and Manoj Goswami makes people national-minded and sentimentally involved in the movie show. The fim duologues are busying topographic points in our existent life. Dialogues of Mugle Azam found topographic point in the normal interaction of people for a long clip. Peoples talked and walked like Prithvi Raj, the great male monarch Akbar. In the same manner, dramas by Agha Hashat and Devdas by Sharat Chandra left a deep impact on the multitudes. In the same manner, movie ‘Sholey ‘ created an imending consequence on so many. hypertext transfer protocol: // Example of Bengali Cinema and how it portrays: Bengali film is closely linked to Modernity and Realism. The most celebrated and celebrated movie shapers of the Bengali film along with the modernist ideas chose the genre of pragmatism to make to a new tallness. Ritwik Ghatak and Satyajit Ray are some of the greatest illustrations, who have played with the subject of pragmatism and modernness in their movies. Modernity is a huge subject and can be defined into many ways. But we will chiefly concentrate on the artistic, societal and political modernisation. Satyajit Ray ‘s movie ‘Pather Pancheli ‘ is one of the ultimate illustrations of movies portraying pragmatism along with several elements of modernness. It was an inspiration to Vittorio De Sicca ‘s Bicycle Thief, 1948 which was based on Italian neo-realism. Ray ‘s work was a shot of mastermind. It reflected the societal advancement and alteration in Bengal and besides had modernized thoughts and constructs. In his movie Pather Panchali, Ray has focused on go forthing the old thoughts behind, traveling on and working on new constructs. He put accent on the fact that, with the transition of clip the conventional ways of life, household thoughts and traditional life style have become out-of-date and needs to be altered consequently. During the flood tide, Apu and his household, leaves their place and subsequently departs from the small town. Their ascendant ‘s place was the exclusive ground why they were non go forthing that small town. They shifted to another topographic point for a better life and life manner. By relocating, they were able to sell off the old house which was of no usage to them, alternatively was the ground for their girl ‘s life. This movie is an development from traditional times to modern manner of life. Ray used many metaphors throughout his movie which were related to a demand for alteration and modernness. I think old aunt was a perfect illustration of metaphorical use. She was exhausted, old adult female who had nil to make than merely rolling around the house. She is often told by everyone to go forth which indicates that she is unwanted and worthless in the house. The household feared famine, survival and poorness. They were unhappy about the traditional manner of life and traditions. The same manner, they were annoyed by the presence of old aunt. Subsequently, we founds out that the old aunt meanders, after several unsuccessful efforts of seeking for a shelter topographic point, she dies. Death of old thoughts is the metaphorical significance of old aunt ‘s decease. Ray wishes for a alteration, something which is ne'er stoping. Through his illustrations, he focused on a demand for alteration so that we can interrupt off from the traditions which are keeping us back and is a signifier of barrier to our advancement. By agencies of aunt decease, he is able to demo how traditions have become outdated. Ray ‘s another great work Charulata ( 1964 ) , besides focuses on conveying a alteration. The narrative sets in an upper in-between category Bengali society. In this context, a only homemaker falls in love with her brother-in-law while they both were hiking each other to compose. He applied two different ideas of traditionality and modernness, place and desire and literature and political relations together. Ray ‘s movies have a humanistic attack. The deepness of his plant is far making. It has captured the human bosom and extracted the emotions from it. Apu throwing the necklace stolen by Durga, Amal go forthing place for the fright of being unfaithful, Durga stealing nutrient from her aunt are illustrations of Ray ‘s humanistic work. Ray is besides inspired by Neo-realism. From my point of position, it is because his narratives are mostly concentrating on the society. He can non do them fictional because so it would irrelevant to the society. His narratives are non meant to be movies, in fact a world which was an image of the society in which he has lived in. It was a complete imitation of Bengali society. The characters were portraiture of existent personalities. For illustration, Durga is Hindu fabulous character. When you look at her, you will non judge her as a good or evil character but will believe of her as a adult female who had existed in the yesteryear and had different properties which mirrored her personality. She was n't a fictional character. Correspondingly, Ritwik Ghatak ‘s movies introduced the modernistic subjects of isolation, disaffection and demand for place that evolves around the Bengali society. In his socially applicable movie Ajantrik, Ghatak brought together the construct of isolation and disaffection to the society. He demonstrates a adult male ‘s love for his auto ; auto is a exanimate object. That adult male had a disturbed societal life where he was non able to bond tighter with people around him. There are scenes like when Bimal is holding a conversation with his auto. He takes attention of his auto like he is a living comrade. At the same clip, did n't give importance to what the society says. This shows the importance of the auto, Jagaddal. Ghatak treat the auto as a life character and non as a prop. He besides showed the auto ‘s point of position. He wants to turn out his point that with the debut of modernisation ; nowadays people are more mercenary orientated. They value belongings more than dealingss. Similarly in Subarnarekha ( 1965 ) , Ghatak has focused more on the subject of place ( alongside the sub-themes such as dealingss and happiness.His work is besides approximately modernness, alteration and its effects and how divider affected Ghatak and the society. Subarnarekha is a after divider narrative of a household relocating to the bank of Subarnarekha River. Throughout the narrative, Sita hunt for felicity. He talks about the new place feeling and that she confesses her secrets, felicity and sufferings to a river. What I learned from Ghatak ‘s movies is he considers that society has transformed from being a community to a combined life of different characters. Individuality is present wholly over his work. Peoples have how people have gone from being lovers of nature and semisynthetic beauty ( like lakes and montains ) to autos and belongings. One may state that in the movies of both, Satyajit Ray and Ritwik Ghatak, you can happen many modernist necessities. Their work ranges from content to subjects like theanthropism, place and modernness ; besides their trade which is the usage of POV shootings, Brechtian elements, different manner of filming and pull stringsing infinite. Decision It is ever good and good groomed to see good topics on film. They have a really positive and durable consequence on the heads whereas inexpensive and moth-eaten films affect the stamp heads of audience really severely. There is general feeling that present twenty-four hours offenses are all due to effects of film. Besides unfastened and demonstrative topics throw tarnished messages. They spoil our civilization, and society. Cinema and TV severely affect the wellness of the childs. They neglect surveies and physical games to pass more clip on this amusement. School-going kids and society kids fail to do usage of good impacts and are influenced by the bad portion of the programmes on the air. The motivation is non to fling film or Television telecast so easy. The desirable act will be to selective and choosey for programmes. Good films should be seen by the pupils. The films of Television shows should be really much restricted and for a fix clip. The film exercises a great influence on the head of the people. It has a great educative value. It can accomplish glorious consequences in the field of enlargement of instruction. There are certain topics, such as scientific discipline and geographics, which can be more effec ­tively taught with the aid of talking pictures. Lessons on route sense, regulations of hygiene and civic sense can be taught to the pupils and the ‘ public every bit good in a really effectual mode with the aid of film images. Many successful experiments have been made in assorted states on the public-service corporation of movies as a agency of instruction. Feature movies have been produced for school and college pupils and pupils are being benefitted by them. Cinema movies have the power to act upon the thought of the people. They have changed the society and societal tendencies. They have introduced new manners in society. They may be described as pace-setters. They can make a direct impact on our societal life. Movies can travel a long manner towards eliciting national consciousness and besides in using the energies of the young person in societal reconstruc ­tion and nation-building by a adept adaptation of good moral, societal and educative subjects, and by debut of popular sentiments, movies can, to a great extent, formulate and guide public sentiment

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gregor and Othello: Disillusionment Essay

An illusion is something that we think is real but is actually not. We produce illusions when our minds play tricks on us. When we discover the truth, we feel a terrible sense of disillusionment. This is when we discover that what have known all along has been false. Disillusionment thugs at our innermost core and lead us to deep misery. The characters of Gregor Samsa in Franz Kafka’s â€Å"The Metamorphosis† and Othello in Shakespeare’s play of the same title both experience this sense disillusionment. They both think that the thing that they believe in is real but towards the end of their lives, they discover that what they have believed in are just illusions. When Gregor Samsa turns into a giant insect, he notices the transformation but he still believes that he is still the human Gregor. Even if he notices that he turns into an insect, he is not worried. What he is worried about is that he is late for work and that his boss might get angry at him (1085). He forces himself to get up and thinks that what he has to do even if he sees that he has turned into an insect is to get dressed, have breakfast and catch the next train to work. Gregor’s illusion is that the world will treat him as Gregor the human even if his appearance has turned into an insect. It is an illusion because everybody who sees Gregor sees only the monstrous insect and not Gregor. He tries to make everyone understand that he is still Gregor but being turned into an insect, he talks like an insect and the insect noises that he makes are not understood by his family. The family sees a giant insect and hears insect noises. So even if inside that insect shell, there’s still Gregor who thinks human thoughts and feel human warmth and affection, outside, he is not Gregor anymore. His illusion is that others will see him as human and not as insect. There’s even a point in the when Gregor’s insect body grows on him that he starts to enjoy moving and using his new kind of feet. He learns to crawl around his room, on the wall and on the ceiling. When Gregor’s sister, Grete, notices Gregor’s behavior, Grete thinks that they should get rid of the furniture inside Gregor’s room to allow Gregor to crawl more freely (1098). Gregor initially welcomes the suggestion but is startled because he notices that with that suggestion, he is actually allowing his family to think that he has really turned into a crawling insect (1099). So he scared Grete and his mother while they are carrying the furniture out. Gregor holds on to his illusion that his family will eventually see that he is still Gregor. He always makes it a point to be courteous to his family. Since his family cannot take his hideous appearance especially his sister Grete who comes to his room for food, Gregor hides his body whenever he senses Grete getting inside his room. There is even one time when he labors for four hours just to cover his whole body for his sister Grete (1097). But as days pass, it becomes evident that Gregor’s family members will not look or relate to him as a human. Gregor’s disillusionment happens when he gets out of his room to get closer to Grete who is playing violin for the lodgers. When the lodgers and Grete see him, Grete tells everyone with Gregor in front of her: You just have to try to get rid of the idea that it’s Gregor. Believing it for so long that is our real misfortune. But how can it be Gregor? (1107) When Gregor hears his sister he becomes sad, returns to his room and dies in misery that he really cannot be Gregor anymore to his family. Othello’s illusion is that his wife is cheating on him. This is not real but Othello is tricked and made to believe of his wife’s infidelity. It is Iago, one of Othello’s men who cunningly produces the illusion in Othello’s mind. In Act 1 Scene III of the play, Iago makes a speech about his intention for tricking Othello. He hates Othello, â€Å"I hate the Moor†, because Othello does not make him Lieutenant. Instead, Othello chooses Cassio whom Iago believes to be less experienced and qualified (Shakespeare Act I Scene III Lines 383-404). Iago uses Cassio and even his own wife, Emilia to achieve his plot of ruining Othello by making him believe that his wife is having an affair with Cassio. Iago asks Emilio who works for Desdemona to steal Desdemona’s handkerchief given to her by Othello. Emilia does not initially suspect of Iago’s evil plot; she gets the handkerchief and gives it to Iago. Iago then puts the handkerchief in Cassio’s room (Act III Scene IV). This is what Iago uses to make Othello believe that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio and Othello believes him. Othello’s disillusionment happens after he has killed Desdemona for believing that Desdemona is cheating on him. In Act V Scene II, Emily tells Othello that Desdemona loves him and that Desdemona does not give Cassio the handkerchief as token of her love (Lines 226-229). Othello confirms this with Iago’s behavior. As Emily is divulging the Iago’s evil plot, Iago kills Emily and runs away (Act V Scene II Line 239). Othello recognizes his foolishness, â€Å"O fool! O fool! O Fool! (Act V Scene II Line 322) The disillusionment leads Othello to misery and takes his own life. The characters of Gregor and Othello both hang on to illusions and feel a terrible sense of disillusionment upon learning of the truth. Disillusionment is a universal human emotion. As in the case of Gregor and Othello, disillusionment always result in pain for us humans because pain is the result of the destruction of that part of us that keeps us ignorant. The pain that comes with disillusionment signals that something in us is destroyed: our illusion and ignorance. Works Cited Kafka, Franz. â€Å"The Metamorphosis. † Literature World Masterpieces. 4th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996, 1084-1110. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Othello the Moor of Venice. † The Compact Bedford Introduction to Drama. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. 5th Ed. New York: Bedford’s/St. Martin, 2005, 246-288.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Mathematical modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mathematical modelling - Essay Example In mathematics, modelling offers a means of solving real world problems using mathematics (Berry & Houston, 1995). This is done using the representation of the association between at least two variables that are significant to a given problem. Consequently, mathematical modelling enables people to create or visualize patterns or representations of something to be constructed. This process involves formulating models using real world data obtained from observation, investigation, and evaluation. Mathematical models are then analysed to establish mathematical conclusions that are interpreted to predict or explain the real world data. The predictions are then tested to establish their applicability, validity, use, and limitations. Mathematical models are used to identify what is real world and conceptual world (Berry & Houston, 1995). In the real world, phenomena and behaviours of natural or artificial systems are observed and using the conceptual world, efforts are made to understand the real world through formulation of a mathematical model, solving resulting equations, and interpreting the results. With the resulting mathematical models, humans can then offer students the knowledge and skills of creating models and determining the extent to which they imitate the real world. In this report, mathematical models have been used to determine the maximum and minimum heights of two roller coasters. Height is a crucial attribute in the design of actual roller coasters and when determined, it is then related to roller coaster site and the conditions needed to have smooth rides. In this report, the application of mathematical models has involved listing all known variables as a way of identifying the unknown. This is followed by defining assumptions, and applying the physical principle to be applied to the model. Since to find the maximum height and minimum height the first derivative is zero,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Hospitality Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Hospitality Operations Management - Essay Example In this regard we have selected tourism as our topic. In our report we would also highlight the reason why we have selected tourism as our core hospitality feature. In our study we will use secondary sources to gather our data and based on the gathered data we will reach our conclusions. Hospitality industry is a well-researched topic, and we have plenty of credible sources which can assist us in better research of the discussion questions. We will start with a brief introduction of hospitality industry and the vast services that are a part of it; further we will also give a brief introduction of tourism industry. After the introduction we will discuss and analyze our core topic and would elaborate on few of the main influential decision in the business development process for the tourism industry and how they can be eliminated to achieve the desired optimal results. We will further substantiate our discussion question with examples of various geographical regions. Once we have elaborated on the issues and discussed the solutions we would conclude our topic with the research analysis and findings. Hospitality industry is field of service industry and includes a large range of customer services such as event management, transportation, tourism and many others. The core concept behind hospitality industry is customer service which is shared by all the sub-segments of the industry. The three core categories of hospitality industry are food and beverages; this is the biggest segment of the industry and takes into account food places from the most expansive to the least (Reynolds, 2014). These also include the sub-chains which are open as facilitation to other units i.e. shopping plaza. The second part of the hospitality industry is accommodation; these include hotels, and other places offering lodging facility. These are the facilities provided by different lodging units. The third and final category of hospitality industry is travel and tourism. These

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Economics class video response paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics class video response paper - Assignment Example Many young people are usually preoccupied with other things, therefore finding time to maintain a wardrobe inventory might not be easy Another important lesson from the video is the idea of quality when purchasing clothing. It is important to invest in clothing that can be used for a long time. This is especially important for young people who might not have a stable source of income. Investing in quality clothing can prove to be economical in the long run. This requires one to look at the labels on the clothing in order to understand where they are made from and the material used. However, considering the spontaneous purchasing behavior of many youths, it is likely that many of them will not be able to look for these labels. The influence of advertising in shaping shopping choices is great, and this appears to be one of the significant forces influencing clothing choices among the youths. It can be argued that for as long as advertisements with phrases such as ‘Free’ continue to appear, they will influence shopping choices. In conclusion, the ideas presented in the video can be applied not only when s hopping for clothes but also other items. In this video, Moyers discusses the issue of capitalism and how it has affected the American economy. Richard Wolff, an economist, argues that capitalism has failed to delivered the ‘goods’ but instead ended delivering the ‘bads’, and this has led to the inequality witnessed in American today. Although president Obama has preached the idea of equal opportunity, this is not the case in America. Politicians are blamed for not having taken the plight of workers seriously, and this has greatly contributed to the inequality problem. I however believe that the blame is on everyone. When people get what they don’t deserve, they should not be absolved as Wolff does in this video. The problem here cannot be the system but the participants in it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Wireless security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wireless security - Essay Example The reason is that hackers break into the networks to identify the security holes present in the networks. The aim of the hackers is not to commit theft, destroy, or steal any sort of private information; rather the intention is to make the network administrators improve the security of their networks. Ciampa (2009) found that a hacker is a person who makes use of advanced programming skills and techniques to break illegally into any specific computer system in order to expose the security flaws (p. 16). Some attackers believe that the act of hacking is ethical because the aim is neither to steal information nor to create any sort of problem for the user of the computer system. If a hacker attacks my personal computer system, it will make me aware that the security features, which I have implemented for the protection of my computer, are not strong enough to combat the attacks of the hackers. Therefore, I would like a hacker to break into my security wall to identify the security fla ws in my system, which will make me improve my security by installing more trustworthy and reliable security features in order to make my computer more safe and secure than before.

Water Conservation Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Water Conservation - Thesis Proposal Example Reducing the amount of detergent that is used in washing dishes acts to reduce the amount of water spent in homes. Little application of the detergent leads to less water being used in washing and the water that could have been used in rinsing the dishes may be used in some other place effectively (Figuà ¨res, Rockstrà ¶m and Tortajada 60). In the use of pressure reduction technique, the owners of the homes can decide to reduce the pressure of water that run into their homes by installing pressure reduction valves. The reduction of the pressure may in turn save water in that it reduces any possibility of water leaking via the pipes. Pressure reduction also reduces any possibility of dripping faucets and leaking water heaters. Homeowners may also opt to use low-flow showerheads that usually account for a percentage of 20% of all the water that is used in many households (Cabrera, Cobacho and Lund 50). Replacing the standard 18litres per min showerheads with 10litres per minute showerheads can save an approximate 80,000liters per year. Homeowners may also utilize their domestic wastewater from their kitchen sinks, clothes washers and laundry tubs also known as gray water. Gray water may be usefully used for home gardening, maintaining the lawn, landscaping and some other uses that do not necessarily require the use of cl ean water (Figuà ¨res, Rockstrà ¶m and Tortajada 55). As noted, water is very essential in the lives of a community, if the resource is not used wisely; the effects are more likely to affect women more than men. Water shortage brings about hydrologically related disasters such as landslides, droughts and floods and other meteorologically related disasters (Olmstead and Stavins 82). Water pollution and shortages are directly linked to a long list of diseases that tend to affect human health and mostly women. In most

Monday, September 9, 2019

Resolving personal and organizational conflict Essay

Resolving personal and organizational conflict - Essay Example The application of the conflict triangle can be seen as part of the situation in the way the presence of its three interrelated dimensions is undeniable; substance, procedure and relationship. The substantive dimension is a reflection of the concrete content of the conflict; that is, to be closer to my husband’s family and friends we will have to move to his home country whereas if I want to get my PhD from here. The other dimension is that of the procedural dimension which depicts the process that is used to make the decision. This can be the intense long talks that we have, the number of pros and cons lists which we have made over the course of this entire conflict and the conversations that have taken place; all of which that have been conducted with the intent of solving this problem. The last dimension is that of the relationship which encompasses our reactions, attitudes, power and most of all the intimacy and intensity of the bond we share as husband and wife where the conflict has a great impact on the course our life and relationship takes. The progress that we make on one dimension will have a critical impact the others. This can be seen in the way the procedural dimension, our constant conversations leading to no resolution, having an impact on our relationship.The position of the parties can be seen in the roles which I and my husband occupy in our marriage. We both fulfill the role of providers since the both of us have jobs. My husband is adamant that we move back.... number of pros and cons lists which we have made over the course of this entire conflict and the conversations that have taken place; all of which that have been conducted with the intent of solving this problem. The last dimension is that of the relationship which encompasses our reactions, attitudes, power and most of all the intimacy and intensity of the bond we share as husband and wife where the conflict has a great impact on the course our life and relationship takes. The progress that we make on one dimension will have a critical impact the others. This can be seen in the way the procedural dimension, our constant conversations leading to no resolution, having an impact on our relationship. The position of the parties can be seen in the roles which I and my husband occupy in our marriage. We both fulfill the role of providers since the both of us have jobs. We contribute equally towards the paying of bills and various household necessities. I take classes as well and will cont inue to do so as I want to do my PhD. My husband works full time and our relationship is relatively balanced in the way we both contribute to the completion of the household chores. We have one child so other than our jobs and my studies we devote the rest of the time for each other and have been a happy family for the past years. As far as our interests are concerned we usually manage our disagreements by finding common ground and quarrel infrequently. However our divergent interest as far as the current situation is concerned is a source of great unease for me. My husband is adamant that we move back to his home with his family now that I have completed my masters. We had initially planned to move back once I had graduated however I had always assumed that since we had settled so well and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Business Research Discussion Week 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Research Discussion Week 1 - Coursework Example The research would help them into designing the lighting of their store to improve purchasing. The retail store should understand lighting of both the store space and the display area to improve customer buying patterns (Binngeli, 2011). If for instance, good lighting increases customer purchase, the retail firm should ideally chose to install light fixtures in their stores and allow maximum sunlight to enter the store. The main aim of the retail store is to sell the highest number of products and if lighting enables the firm to achieve this, then the firm would be quite successful. This information would be most likely to help out in the interior design and construction of shopping malls. Shopping malls are usually designed to let the maximum amount of sunlight in. This is because lighting creates a general feeling of well-being which then prompts customers to spend more time in the mall and thus they are likely to spend more money (Pride and Ferrell, 2011). Retails stores can benefit from this research by ensuring that all their products are properly lighted. They should avoid dark corners in their stores as customers would not want to move to those areas. For this reason, retail stores designers avoid corners in their product display. They tend to place products on long shelves running parallel to each

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Non Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Non - Case Study Example Mary and Sally fulfilled the terms laid out on the contract with regards to the payment of purchase price clause. The Purchaser was to pay monthly installments on the first day of every month. Up to the point of Mary contacting the Seller on the need to terminate the contract, the Purchaser had made all payments as laid out up to that point. The purchaser has fulfilled all her contract negotiations. John, the Seller, violated the building code of the city. Sally fell down the stairs to the basement and the lack of the railings might have aggravated the situation. John had a duty to comply with the terms laid out on the building code and failure to do this is a tort which the specific element being failure to practice a duty (Schlanger& Spaulding, 1). John, being the seller in the contract also breached the terms of the contract which is also a tort (Schlanger& Spaulding, 1). The contract specifically mentioned that the Purchaser can terminate the contract during the first five years if no longer able to live due to a need to move to a nursing home. Sally is a Purchaser and she has a need to move to a nursing home. Mary notified John the need and even offered the doctor’s letter as proof. John forcing Mary to pay for an extra month was wrong. Mary is therefore in a position to take John to court on accounts of breach of contract and on negligence of duty (Schlanger& Spaul ding, 1). The only additional information required would be the contract the Seller and the Purchaser signed did not clearly indicate the period which the Purchaser need to give the notice to the Seller with regards to the termination. This is a crucial piece of information that is missing. On signing the M & S contract, John as the Seller and Mary and Sally as the Purchasers agreed to the terms set out on the contract. John needs to understand that the terms on the contract are binding. Mary is acting within her rights by notifying John on her need