Monday, February 24, 2020

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17

Personal Statement Example I have also realised that in order to enhance employability, these course are unparalleled. Thus, by considering such ever-lasting virtues, I have decided to apply to MSc International Business Management course for completing my master degree. I would able to enhance my knowledge of learning by a considerable certain level which would also assist me to develop various levels of understandings. I am very much passionate and thrive in performing along with succeeding in challenging scenarios. I can easily understand the concepts and ideas and am capable to develop myself by creating solutions to the problems. In order to develop my skills further, I have decided to study the management course after passing my graduate level studies. The course offered would enable me to possess ample opportunities to gain an in-depth knowledge regarding corporate culture and courses in management thus assisting to face tougher situations in larger organisations. Furthermore, I would gain invaluable leaning opportunities during the MSc International Business Management course to comprehend the varied challenges that are faced by global companies and their managers to ensure the sustainability of their organisations. Thus, I can transform myself to be a global citizen or an individual possessing pertinent knowledge about the global business arena. It can also facilitate me to realise the aspects that enable global companies to internationalise in the multination business environment. Through the learning of both theories and concepts along with practical evidences, I can develop strong abilities to perform efficiently in a global organisation in future. Through the course, I can also gain valuable knowledge regarding the fields of innovation management, international business investigation and market research. Apart from gaining certain long-term benefits from the course to develop my knowledge, skills and abilities, I can also significantly contribute to my

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Understanding business operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Understanding business operations - Essay Example Supply chain management integrates the key business processes, from end user through original suppliers. Companies and corporations involve themselves in a supply chain by exchanging information regarding market fluctuations and production capabilities. Technology can be used effectively to enhance the performance of the supply chain to ensure value propositions at all points of the supply chain. Ensuring superior value propositions based on customer service leads to competitive advantage. If all relevant information is accessible to any relevant company, every company in the supply chain has the possibility to and can seek to help optimizing the entire supply chain rather than sub optimize based on a local interest. This will lead to better planned overall production and distribution which can cut costs and give a more attractive final product leading to better sales and better overall results for the companies involved. The primary objective of a company’s supply chain management is to fulfil customer demands through the most efficient use of resources, including distribution capacity, inventory and labour. A supply chain seeks to match demand with supply and do so with the minimal inventory. Various aspects of optimizing the supply chain include liaising with suppliers to eliminate bottlenecks; sourcing strategically to strike a balance between lowest material cost and transportation, implementing JIT (Just In Time) techniques to optimize manufacturing flow; maintaining the right mix and location of factories and warehouses to serve customer markets, and using location/allocation, vehicle routing analysis, dynamic programming and traditional logistics optimization to maximize the efficiency of the distribution side. Incorporating SCM successfully leads to a new kind of competition on the global market where competition is no longer of the company versus company form but rather takes on a supply chain versus supply chain form. When a firm sustains